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Cumberland Community Center HRDC


This two-story community center is the first “green building” in Allegany County, Maryland and features an exercise room, state-of-the-art commercial kitchen, computer training lab, multi-purpose room/dining area, and offices. Besides the landscaped second floor terrace, the main roof is a green vegetated roof consisting of over 1000 2’x2’ plant pods. Exterior sunshades are used on the south and east elevation windows to reduce solar radiation. The geothermal heating system is a ground source heat pump system which required 12 drilled wells building site, each about 550 feet deep. Another thermal feature includes a spray-on air barrier on the exterior walls of the building prior to the brick masonry and metal panel installation. The building ultimately achieved LEED Gold Certification.


Project Info

Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission, Inc.

Moshier Studio

20,000 SF

General Contractor


, MD
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